Narrated by Jeremy Irons, here is a clip from the “mockumentary”, The Majestic Plastic Bag.
Marine & Freshwater Environmental Education
Narrated by Jeremy Irons, here is a clip from the “mockumentary”, The Majestic Plastic Bag.
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June 8th is World Oceans Day, the UN-designated day for the global community to celebrate and take action for our shared ocean. So start the weekend off on a wave of advocacy and share the message that you have concern for the sea with your friends and family. My call to action in honor of […]
I was watching the October 13, 2009 episode of the Colbert Report on Comedy Central and was pleasantly surprised to when Stephen interviewed Sylvia Earle. Ms. Earle is a very accomplished ocean explorer. She just put out (yet another – yeah!) book, The World Is Blue: How Our Fate And The Oceans Are One. So, […]
“As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.” King Solomon There is not a lot life down in the deep sea. Fortunately, it is convenient that the hydrothermal vents down there share a wealth of minerals to the otherwise desolate neighborhood. More notably what was just uncovered is that iron particles (known as […]
Here is a general overview of 10 characteristics of seabirds (birds that spend most of their life out at sea), shorebirds (migratory birds that scurry along the shore looking for food), and wading birds (taller birds that wade in wetlands for their food). 10 characteristics of seabirds (Examples include albatross, auk, booby, frigatebird, fulmar, gannet, […]
Whether we know it or not, the Atlantic horseshoe crab has made a significant impact on many of our lives. The significance of this living fossil can be found in its capacity to resist change for millions of years, its special copper-based blood is crucial to the medical field, and its ability to provide food […]
For more images from Beach Chair Scientist, please visit Flickr.
In honor of Shark Week on the Discovery Channel I decided to post a different shark fact each week. Today…What is the fastest shark species? The mako shark is the fastest shark. It can get up to 20 miles per hour (or faster when being chased by an enemy). The mako shark can naturally move […]
People often wear shark’s teeth around their neck. But, what is the significance and how do they get them? As the internet research states a sharks tooth symbolizes virility. I am not going to get any further into that aspect of the question. To each his or her own. Here is some information on the […]
The superstorm still affecting millions along the mid-Atlantic is a wake-up call. The damage due to flooding and fires is unmatched to any other storm in recent history. Experts say the event will not be an unfamiliar one in future decades due to an influx of people living along the coast and the impending sea […]
A salt marsh is the habitat where freshwater (from rivers and lakes) mixes with the saltwater (from the ocean). The salt marshes that I am most familiar with have tall cordgrasses near the water’s edge. Usually, it is a mix of two types of cordgrass, Spartina alterniflora and Spartina pattens. Away from the water’s edge […]
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