And, for some more Earth Day cartoons please visit The Daily Green.
Marine & Freshwater Environmental Education
And, for some more Earth Day cartoons please visit The Daily Green.
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I won’t say it has anything to do with us … oh, wait … yes, I will. The ocean is getting warmer because of climate change. One effect of this would be that many animals that pretty much only preferred the luxurious tropical waters of the south Atlantic now find the Mid-Atlantic waters great! Oh, […]
Interesting details on how dolphins communicate came out this week. 2006 brought us research that unique dolphin clicks can be interpreted to include a name and some basic information about the individual marine mammal (see image). But even more recently, research uncovered that dolphins call each other by name, especially when they’ve become separated from […]
“As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.” King Solomon There is not a lot life down in the deep sea. Fortunately, it is convenient that the hydrothermal vents down there share a wealth of minerals to the otherwise desolate neighborhood. More notably what was just uncovered is that iron particles (known as […]
“Year after year beheld the silent toil That spread his lustrous coil; Still, as the spiral grew, He left the past year’s dwelling for the new, Stole with soft step its shining archway through, Built up its idle door, Stretched in his last-found home, and knew the old no more.” Oliver Wendell Holmes (1804-1894) The […]
“A marine protected area (MPA) in the ocean is similar in concept to what a national park is on the terrestrial environment.” Shifting Baselines There are many terms that mean ‘MPA’, including: sanctuaries, parks, preserves, or natural areas. All of these areas have some boundary in the oceans and are protected by either the Department […]
Swamps and marshes are easily interchanged as they are both areas of vegetation that are susceptible to flooding. In North America they are defined a little differently (check out this BCS post for a quick lesson in wetland ecology – image below). A swamp is a place where the plants that make up the area […]
Bycatch is a term used to classify the incidental fish, mammals, birds, sea turtles or invertebrates that may be caught while targeting other species in a fishery. One of the biggest victims of these unintentional catches are the black-footed albatross. They frequently swallow bait attached to the lines of long-line fishing boats. At least 300,000 […]
So we all agree the month of February can be a little slow and dreary. But, I am here to prove contrary. Sit back and relax with a Bloody Mary and have BCS entertain you (well, at least in theory). Welcome to the month of A, B, Seas! For each day in February there will […]
The spines of the sea urchins are there for protection but that doesn’t stop the sea urchin from having enemies. For instance, sea gulls love to grab them at low tide at pick away at them high upon the rocks. Crabs have a feast with the urchins by picking away at their spine to get […]
Paul Tasha, a commercial lobster diver, has been fishing for about 40 years had a big surprise. He was diving for lobster off of Race Point in Provincetown, MA, a part of the Outer Cape Cod (OCC) management area when he came across a 31-pound male lobster crawling along the bottom (at a depth of […]
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