and have come together to produce a powerful infographic outlining 8 threats to the ocean (overfishing, whaling, factory fishing, global warming, pollution, factory fishing, bycatch, and pirate fishing). Creator Samantha Sanders did a phenomenal job designing the infographic with rich and vivid images detailing supporting evidence such as the destruction of coral reefs and the global decline of the tuna population. For instance, “There are 109 countries with coral reefs. Reefs in 90 of them are damaged by cruise ships anchors and sewage, by tourists breaking off chucks of coral, and by commercial sales to tourists.” Please share and feel free to comment your thoughts on the ‘Collapsing Seas’ infographic.
You are here: Home / Environmental Education / Ocean Conservation / Ocean / Why are our seas collapsing?
Why are our seas collapsing?
Filed Under: Ocean Tagged With: Bycatch, Collapsing Seas, Coral reef, cruise ships, Environment, facotry fishing, Global warming, Great Barrier Reef, Overfishing, pirate fishing, seals, tuna
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