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Marine & Freshwater Environmental Education
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A marine biologist studies the life in the ocean (“bio” = life). An oceanographer studies the physical elements of the oceans. A marine biologist will study dolphins. An oceanographer will study tides. A marine biologist will study jellyfish. An oceanographer will study the salt content of seawater. A marine biologist will study algae. An oceanographer […]
An animal has many reasons to behave more like a ‘wallflower’ vs. a ‘social butterfly’. Some of the more universal reasons to lean to one behavior more than the other would be 1) habitat, 2) predators or 3) availability of food. For instance, river dolphins (pictured right) typically are solitaire animals because their habitat is […]
Interesting question. The top three largest coral reef ecosystems in the world are: 1) Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Australia 2) Belize Barrier Reef 3) Florida Keys Reef Ecosystem A coral reef ecosystem relies on teamwork between the coral animal (a type of cnidarians) and an algae called zooxannthellea.
With the holidays right around the corner there will no doubt be plenty of indulgences. It is important to keep in mind that seafood can also be considered an extravagance if you’re choosing an unsustainable option to serve or taste. Did you know that the global fishing fleet can catch up to two and a […]
From far away you can probably only see the fin, right? The Atlantic bottlenose dolphin will have a dorsal fin that is hooked while the Atlantic Harbor Porpoise will have a triangular dorsal fin. If you are closer you will see other differences. For instance, the dolphin is about 7-12 feet as an adult while […]
Time for another giveaway … Would you believe me if I told you there was a smallish kitchen appliance you could use daily to enjoy a refreshing beverage that would reduce the amount of plastic bottles that would potentially enter the atmosphere as marine debris and it was free? While you’re contemplating how this miracle […]
Malaria, Bedbugs, Sea Lice, and Sunset “Doing my small part to preserve ocean biodiversity while advancing the vast left wing conspiracy and queer, godless agenda.” Sustainable Ocean Project “Changing the way we think about our oceans.” Blue Planet Divers “A Place for Researchers Divers of All Levels to Connect and Learn.” CephalopodCast […]
So we all agree the month of February can be a little slow and dreary. But, I am here to prove contrary. Sit back and relax with a Bloody Mary and have BCS entertain you (well, at least in theory). Welcome to the month of A, B, Seas! For each day in February there will […]
In honor of National Wear Blue for Oceans Day this January 13, 2010 here is a little ditty to get you amped … Lyrics amended from the song “Love Me Do” written by the brilliant John Lennon and Paul McCartney of The Beatles. Love, love our blue. You know we love blue, We’ll always be […]
Whether we know it or not, the Atlantic horseshoe crab has made a significant impact on many of our lives. The significance of this living fossil can be found in its capacity to resist change for millions of years, its special copper-based blood is crucial to the medical field, and its ability to provide food […]
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