And, for some more Earth Day cartoons please visit The Daily Green.
Marine & Freshwater Environmental Education
And, for some more Earth Day cartoons please visit The Daily Green.
“It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge”. Albert Einstein (1879 – 1955) German-Swiss-U.S. scientist “The scientist is not a person who gives the right answers, he’s one who asks the right questions”. Claude Levi-Strauss (1908 – 2009) French anthropologist and ethnologist “Those that can’t do, teach”. […]
It’s seems as good a time as any to recognize and share some inspiring and insightful blogs. Especially, since the blog, 365 Days, acknowledged Beach Chair Scientist as a Kreativ Blogger (a much appreciated, peer award). In that spirit of camaraderie, here are 7 compelling and very insightful 7 bloggers, as well as more on […]
Today I am excited to bring a new video produced by Coastal Kingdom TV, a television series dedicated to sharing the unique and diverse habitats of the South Carolina lowcountry. Host Tony Mills demonstrates the best way to track horseshoe crabs in the tidal flats of South Carolina and does a superb job enlightening us […]
I have two answers for you here – Mole Crabs or Sand Hoppers. Mole Crabs: Unfortunately, not all crabs are as interesting in appearance or function as the great Atlantic Horseshoe Crab, but the mole crab has some merit. Mole Crabs, or one type of sand fleas thingees, are properly referred to as Emerita analoga. […]
I am proud of the way the Women’s March in D.C. was planned and executed. It was thrilling and invigorating to be with the droves of people who wanted their voice to be heard. I chatted with folks from North Carolina, Maine, and even Nevada. It was peaceful, fun, and loud at times. It made […]
Most likely, acorn barnacles. Let me guess, they look like tiny volcanoes? And they hurt if you rub up against them? That is the outer shell made of calcium. They put this protective layer up when they are not under water. When it is hide tide the acorn barnacle opens up the volcanoes structure and […]
It may not come as a surprise, but a lot of my friends and family consider George Costanza as the most famous marine biologist they know. Long before Seinfeld, Jacques Cousteau, the world’s most well known deep sea explorer, made studying marine science seem fun and not as intimidating as people once thought. So here […]
The larger the seashell the louder the sound, right? It is the space inside the shell that creates the sound. Well, the space inside the seashell bouncing against the sounds of your surroundings. For the most part people are experimenting with this seashell symphony at the beach where there is a lot of space for […]
It all started recently as my 2 year-old showed those tendencies towards becoming a picky eater. I embarked on a supermarket safari for proteins and soon enough I found myself in the canned tuna aisle. Have you been there lately? It’s a little overwhelming with all of the labels. I usually just go for the […]
With amazing spring temperatures so early this year, sea turtles may begin creeping out of the sea earlier than usual. If you’re in the southeastern U.S. during sea turtle nesting season (typically May through October) you may have the opportunity in the early morning to stumble across the flipper tracks of a female sea turtle […]
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