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What is the difference between a marine biologist and an oceanographer?

A marine biologist studies the life in the ocean (“bio” = life). An oceanographer studies the physical elements of the oceans.

A marine biologist will study dolphins.

An oceanographer will study tides.

A marine biologist will study jellyfish.

An oceanographer will study the salt content of seawater.

A marine biologist will study algae.

An oceanographer will study the volcanic activity of the sea.

A marine biologist will study horseshoes crabs.

An oceanographer will study the plate tectonic action of the ocean.

Of course, I do not think they are at all exclusive. But, that is the general break down of who studies what.

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  1. so very Helpful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

  2. What is the difference between a marine biologist and a marine mammalogist

    • Beach Chair Scientist says

      Marine mammalogist might just focus on marine mammals. Marine mammals include your dolphins, whales, seals, polar bears, walrus.

  3. I want to be a marine biologist but my grandma signed me up for a oceanography summer class

    • Beach Chair Scientist says

      Marine biologists usually do study the life of the ocean. But life under the sea is dependent on so much … You’ll still have a great time learning about the physical, geological, and chemical aspects of the ocean. Good luck and please share your experience!

  4. what is the difference between marine biology and biological oceanography?

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