Can you guess the common name designated to the animal pictured to the right?
Here are some facts about the critter:
- Found in Antarctica
- Has watery-jelly like flesh
- Lives in the deep part of the ocean
Image (c) of
Marine & Freshwater Environmental Education
Can you guess the common name designated to the animal pictured to the right?
Here are some facts about the critter:
Image (c) of
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As I mentioned before, the horseshoe crab is a rather frightening looking creature, however quite the opposite is true, they are the steadfast, strong member of the ocean community. This animal, not only is a vital part of the Atlantic coast food chain, but has remained rather unchanged since before the time of the dinosaurs! […]
I rarely preach on this blog. But, I just watched a documentary called “No Impact Man” where the writer, Colin, and his family decide to reduce their impact on the environment. He wanted to reduce to nothing. They even went for 6 months without any electricity in their 5th Avenue apartment. I was skeptical. He […]
Almost 30 years ago, Congress stated that the National Petroleum Reserve – Alaska (NPR-A) was an, “exceptional natural, fish, wildlife, scenic, cultural and historical values that warrant protection”. Situated not far from the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, the NPR-A is now under a lot of scrutiny. As the largest federal land management unit in the […]
Malaria, Bedbugs, Sea Lice, and Sunset “Doing my small part to preserve ocean biodiversity while advancing the vast left wing conspiracy and queer, godless agenda.” Sustainable Ocean Project “Changing the way we think about our oceans.” Blue Planet Divers “A Place for Researchers Divers of All Levels to Connect and Learn.” CephalopodCast […]
Sometimes it’s nice to look at the past and see what’s worked. From the past nine years of posts on Beach Chair Scientist, it seems that one post has been the “most valuable player”. 100 ocean quotes is a surefire “make you stop by BCS for the first time and join the mailing list” kinda […]
Not often. But, the angel shark has been known to strike – if provoked. These strikes are similar to those made by its cartilaginous relatives, rays and skates, coming from the surface of the ocean floor (they’re pretty good with the camouflage as you might notice from the picture on the right). However, unlike rays […]
Nematocysts are the stinging cells found in the tentacles of jellies and anemones. When provoked the stinging cell ejects a barbed thread that contains a toxin to stun (or kill) the enemy. The barbed thread is disregarded and a new one regenerates. Here is a creative video explaining how jellies sting from Enjoy!
Time for another giveaway … Would you believe me if I told you there was a smallish kitchen appliance you could use daily to enjoy a refreshing beverage that would reduce the amount of plastic bottles that would potentially enter the atmosphere as marine debris and it was free? While you’re contemplating how this miracle […]
This just in! Another fine addition to The Majestic Plastic Bag conservation series. A reusable plastic bag company, ChicoBag Company, announced recently that they are being sued by three of the nation’s largest disposable plastic bag manufacturers. Those companies are claiming that a link on the ChicoBag Company website educating citizens about the long term […]
“It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge”. Albert Einstein (1879 – 1955) German-Swiss-U.S. scientist “The scientist is not a person who gives the right answers, he’s one who asks the right questions”. Claude Levi-Strauss (1908 – 2009) French anthropologist and ethnologist “Those that can’t do, teach”. […]
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