Can you guess the common name designated to the animal pictured to the right?
Here are some facts about the critter:
- Found in Antarctica
- Has watery-jelly like flesh
- Lives in the deep part of the ocean
Image (c) of
Marine & Freshwater Environmental Education
Can you guess the common name designated to the animal pictured to the right?
Here are some facts about the critter:
Image (c) of
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Ahh, you see the polar ice sheets and glaciers are melting, but the water still needs to go somewhere – the ocean. The water then rises transforming geography, manipulates the balance of salt in estuaries and creates higher flooding intensity. Basically, rising sea levels affects coastal areas the most drastically. But, don’t dismay! The EPA, […]
Can you match the scientific name to each of the fish from this Independence Day-themed trio? Leave your answer as a comment. Even better … also, try to identify each one by their common name. Have a happy and safe Fourth of July, everyone!
Spring break is right around the corner and I am in a great mood and ready to send a gift off to a giveaway winner! If you’re preparing for the rugged outstretched beaches of the Outer Banks, or the soft and sandy beaches of south Florida, or the rocky shores of Maine then this 32-page […]
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While I was trolling the aisles of Whole Foods the other day, I stumbled upon a familiar salt marsh plant known as glasswort (Salicornia virginica). When I would lead early morning nature walks along the beaches in Florida this marsh herb was a plant I enjoyed finding! Here’s the interesting anecdote I’d share with my […]
My husband isn’t happy about this … But, recently, I have found a new love of birds. It’s because we live in the woods and not near the ocean, so those flighted friends have stolen my heart just like fish did back some many years ago. My husband thinks it is hysterical since we grew […]
Can you identify these different seashells? (Answers as common names in the next post) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Images (c) Do you have another great question for the Beach Chair Scientist? E-mail or just let us know at
Because there is not just one quote that summarizes how ethereal and majestic the ocean is, and in honor of World Oceans Day, and because you know I like lists, here is an archive of some inspiring quotes about the important aspects of our ocean all from people you may have heard of a time […]
From Good (an on-line web magazine dedicated to enabling individuals, businesses, and non-profits to push the world forward) an infographic detailing the decline of popular fish species in the last 50 years. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the Untied Nations calculates how many fish are left in the ocean by counting how many fish […]
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