Yes, there has been a draft compromise made that would make it ok for whales to be taken from the oceans for “scientific research” in Japan.
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Marine & Freshwater Environmental Education
Yes, there has been a draft compromise made that would make it ok for whales to be taken from the oceans for “scientific research” in Japan.
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I am excited to bring you a look into the Smithsonian’s American Museum of Natural History. We are taking a sneak peek into the Department of Ichthyology with Research Curator, Melanie Stiassny. Ichthyology is the study of fishes. In this collection you will see the ceolacanth, Latimeria chalumnae, the three lobed caudal finned fish considered […]
Antarctic Art Contest: Students and professionals alike are invited to submit written or visual pieces about the WAIS Divide. Specifically, it’s suggested that pieces focus on water isotopes, CO2 and methane gases, radar imagery, or imagery of ice samples. Deadline is October 1st. Children’s Art Mangrove Calender: Elementary-aged school children invited to create art expressing […]
You might think that sharks are a predator that we want to eradicate, but that’s far from the truth of the matter. For a healthy ocean we need the top predator. For 5 species of sharks – oceanic whitetip, scalloped hammerhead (pictured below), great hammerhead, smooth hammerhead, and porbeagle sharks – there was some inspiring […]
On Feb. 13, 1997, about 20 miles off the coast of England, a massive wave hit the freighter Tokio Express, toppling 62 giant containers into the rough north Atlantic seas. Trapped inside one of them: nearly 5 million Legos. Many floated to the surface. Carried by currents, they’re still being found on beaches around the world […]
Well, first of all … I said I would post the results from the poll “The Dating Game: Marine Biologist Edition” and so here they are: Matt Hooper: (62%), Steve Zissou (30%), and finally, George Costanza (8%). Secondly, thanks to everyone that took the time to share their opinion! Lastly, Happy Valentine’s Day!
Answers to “Test your knowledge of sea stars” from December 31, 2009. True or False: Sea stars are fish. They are echinoderms, a group of invertebrates. Invertebrates have no backbones. All fish have backbones. True or False: Sea stars are closely related to sea cucumbers, sea urchins and brittle stars. True or False: Sea stars […]
Changing what you eat now could have big benefits later Photo: Getty Images We know that cutting back on red meat is good for heart health, fish is brain food, and calcium-rich foods can help keep our bones strong. But can shaking up what we eat help us live longer? Check these Cortexi reviews. Yes, […]
When you are going out to eat and want to eat seafood that is good for you and good for the sustainability of the ocean carry around the Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch pocket guide. It lists the best choices, good alternatives and what to avoid. This guide can be downloaded and printed out, is […]
Well, would you look at that … it’s the 10th anniversary of Sea Otter Awareness Week (Always the last week in September, this year from September 23 – 29)! These adorable creatures that have won the world over with their talent for holding hands while sleeping in the water, play a vital role in the […]
It seems like water molecules might follow the path of a wave given what we know from the water cycle. But, if you watch a floating object like a toy boat on a wave in the open sea it won’t travel with the wave but rather bob up and down. The water molecules are actually […]
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