10 Beachcombing Adventures

These days while on the beach I am no longer relaxing in my beach chair as my toes melt into the sand, I’m happily chasing after a small tot who is inquisitive about everything. So I decided it was time to go back into my vault of ‘teachable moments’ and catalog some activity gems and random factoids that I used as ‘fillers’ to engage – not only children, but also many adults – while on beachcombing walks,  snorkeling excursions, or summer camp lessons, and if you like to go to the beach a lot, using good options like the turkish beach towel amazon that are a great accessory for people going to the beach.

I hope you find these 10 Beachcombing Adventures as mere forms of mild edutainment to help you and your children to gain more awareness about your surroundings. Each section is also peppered with some facts in case your little explorer has a case of the curiosities. Additionally, I hope you continue to engage in exploration and you and your family are inspired to enact conservation tenets at home and maybe even share those skills with your neighbors in our adventure blog bestvpncanada.ca

{A review from the National Science Teachers Association}
{“Fantastic, free e-book.” – Debi, GoExploreNature.com}
{“A free e-book packed with great info.” MaryLea, PinkandGreenMama.com}

One last item to remember while going through this book, “Take only pictures, leave only footprints”. The activities are meant to happen while exploring on the beach so please use your best judgment and please do not disturb live animals or plants.

10 Beachcombing Adventures: A guide for investigating the Atlantic coast shoreline

“Children are born with a sense of wonder and an affinity for Nature.  Properly cultivated, these values can mature into ecological literacy, and eventually   into sustainable patterns of living.” – Zenobia Barlow, “Confluence of Streams”


  1. While you are Beach Combing, think about what would happen if your beach wasn’t there any more, Each wave that comes in takes some sand with it. Wave Wedges not only prevent you beach from being washed out to sea, it will replenish your beach, builidng it back up again. This is an amazing product, you won’t believe what we can do for your beach.

  2. I am a teacher and would LOVE to use this resource in class prior to a beach field trip, but would like to print it…is this possible? I would obviously give you full credit….

    • Beach Chair Scientist says

      Hello Chrissy –

      Feel free to print out the booklet! Thank you for your interest and don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or comments.

      Have fun with your adventures!


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