Excerpt from the Blue Planet.
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Marine & Freshwater Environmental Education
Excerpt from the Blue Planet.
Do you have a question for the Beach Chair Scientist? e-mail info@beachchairscientist.com.
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On June 8 in Washington D.C. Honorable Lois Capp (CA), Honorable Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (FL) and Julie Packard were recognized for their roles as leaders in the ocean community. According to the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation (NMSF), the organization that distributes the awards, these women were recognized for the following reasons: “Rep. Capps received the Award […]
The loggerhead sea turtle, Caretta caretta, was given the common name because it has such a massive head. On this massive head is an incredibly powerful jaw that aids the turtle in consuming any type of food it can get its mouth on. This can include corals, sponges, crabs, jellies, fish, other sea turtles, sea […]
JOIDES stands for the Joint Oceanographic Institutions for Deep Sea Sampling. This project began in the 1970’s as a collaboration between many prominent universities and oceanographic institutes (including Woods Hole and Scripps) to take core samples and study the bottom of the ocean. The vessel used for the project was known as the Glomar Challenge. […]
I wanted to share this image of anthias swimming in the Red Sea to usher in the briskness of autumn! As you know it’s my favorite time to beachcomb, but it’s also my favorite time to be surrounded by the brilliant-colored leaves of trees. The reds, yellows, and oranges are as vibrant as a coral […]
There’s an eel – the giant moray – that teams up with the roving coral grouper to hunt for grub (i.e., cooperative hunting). The eel is slick enough to slither into crevices and flush out food for a feast. How’s that for a wingman!? Look at them hitting the scene!
Some might say that the horseshoe crab is quite possibly the scariest looking creature along the shoreline. However, I disagree. There’s actually a sweetheart of an animal underneath that tough, pointy, chitin exoskeleton. I am certain that the horseshoe crab has survived since before the time of the dinosaurs due to its ability to adapt […]
You may not know it, but, tomorrow is National Hagfish Day. The day was created to draw attention and appreciation of all marine animals and plants. So please do not forget to appreciate not only the charismatic bottlenose dolphin, but, also the not-so-charismatic hagfish, sea cucumbers and horseshoe crabs. Here is a little bit of […]
They hatch from the egg looking exactly like typical fish, swimming in the upper waters. After two weeks the bridge of the fish’s nose fades away and then one of the eyes, depending on the species, shifts to one side. The process of becoming a complete “flat” fish takes a bit of time, but, once […]
Since you asked … but, I’d like to preface this list of the 5 most dangerous sharks with this excerpt taken from an article in Time by Terry McCarthy. “In California there is only one shark attack for every 1 million surfing days, according to the Surfrider Foundation. You are 30 times as likely to […]
This is a series I’ve been featuring each Tuesday this summer to get a special sneak peek at the different personalities behind the scientists, activists, and educators (including bloggers) who play an integral role in the marine science conservation field. It’s essentially an extension of the overwhelmingly popular and well done Tumblr blog, This Is […]
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