What kind of car do you drive in the sea? An otter-mobile.
I know that was pretty funny, I know. Here are some memes to celebrate Sea Otter Awareness Week (this September 24-30) that really illustrates the breadth of sea otters.
Marine & Freshwater Environmental Education
What kind of car do you drive in the sea? An otter-mobile.
I know that was pretty funny, I know. Here are some memes to celebrate Sea Otter Awareness Week (this September 24-30) that really illustrates the breadth of sea otters.
Top to bottom: Octopus; Whale; Cuttlefish; Otters
Antarctic Art Contest: Students and professionals alike are invited to submit written or visual pieces about the WAIS Divide. Specifically, it’s suggested that pieces focus on water isotopes, CO2 and methane gases, radar imagery, or imagery of ice samples. Deadline is October 1st. Children’s Art Mangrove Calender: Elementary-aged school children invited to create art expressing […]
The superstorm still affecting millions along the mid-Atlantic is a wake-up call. The damage due to flooding and fires is unmatched to any other storm in recent history. Experts say the event will not be an unfamiliar one in future decades due to an influx of people living along the coast and the impending sea […]
Find more great ocean and conservation quotes here and please feel free to share with your friends and family! Also, ask away! If you have a question about something you found on the beach or just something you’re curious about just send an email to info@beachchairscientist.com or tweet us!
1.) Sharks are divided into 8 orders. 2.) Sharks are again divided into 34 families. 3.) There are over 360 shark species. 4.) The largest meat eating shark is the great white shark (37 feet). 5.) The largest shark is the whale shark (and largest fish overall), a filter feeder. 6.) The second largest shark […]
Did you know that corals are living in the deep sea? That’s right, they’re aren’t only a part of the vibrant sunny reef ecosystems we’ve grown to know and love while watching movies like Finding Dory or Chasing Coral. Some species of coral live in complete darkness and withstand incredibly cold temperatures. They are just […]
The rather short snout with thick, long, white whiskers gives this true seal it’s appropriate common name. The bearded seal (Erignathus barbatus) can be as long 8 feet and weigh up to 800 pounds. I guess now we know what idiom they use under the sea instead of “the 800 pound gorilla in the room […]
We did it! Here is the Beach Chair Scientist’s 2011 version of the A, B, Seas. A is for Agnatha B for Baffin Bay C for Chitin D for Diaz, Bartholomeu E for Epipelagic F for Fulmar G for Gorgonians H for Horseshoe Crab I for Irish Moss J for JOIDES K for Knot L […]
Recently two Ohio middle school boys were suspended from riding the bus for farting on the bus. If these boys were part of a school of herring they’d have no repercussions. In fact, they’d be making the grade in language arts. Back in 2003 an article published in the U.K. science journal Biology Letters explained […]
I love the game Scattegories so I am going to be drawn to learning new words that will help me gain more points. The Baffin Bay separates Greenland from Canada and is connected to the Atlantic Ocean by the Davis Strait. You won’t be finding any vacation homes along the shores of the Baffin Bay […]
…It’s Charismatic Microfauna! Well, yes there’s the sand, but there is also an unrecognized and perhaps even shocking biodiversity that lies not quite below the surface. Would you believe me if I told you that in a single handful of wet sand you could be holding a community of organisms equaling, if not exceeding, the […]
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