Don’t hide your head in the sand

A few weeks ago I had the pleasure meet up with Jen Miller, a freelance reporter, to discuss some of the little known and finer attributes that the often pesky ‘sand’ brings to our beaches. For instance, did you know that all beach sand contains quartz? The odd thing is that the land surrounding some beaches doesn’t contain any quartz. Read her article from NewsWorksNJ to find out how the quartz arrives on some shorelines, as well as why sand is an integral part of the dune ecosystem that we rely on to protect our homes from big storms and waves.

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Share your beachcombing adventures!

It’s just about time to get back to reality from a weekend, so why not extend the good times and share your beachcomber adventures?Did you find anything interesting? Did you watch any birds swoop down to the sea for food? What was the sunset like? Share your pictures or any fun stories! Here is a photograph I call ‘Littlest Limulus Love‘ from a visit the the Stone Harbor Point.

Looking forward to hearing all the amusing anecdotes from your times at the sea! To share you can reply to this post or find Beach Chair Scientist on Facebook or Twitter.

The most effective kind of education is that a child should play amongst lovely things.” — Plato (Greek philosopher, 428 – 347 BC)

Find more great nature at play quotes compiled by the “Institute for Nature in Childhood” here.