Ho, ho, ho! Look who’s coming to town … it’s the bearded seal!

The rather short snout with thick, long, white whiskers gives this true seal it’s appropriate common name. The bearded seal (Erignathus barbatus) can be as long 8 feet and weigh up to 800 pounds. I guess now we know what idiom they use under the sea instead of “the 800 pound gorilla in the room …”. These seals tend not to be seen in packs like their more social counterparts we view along harbors.

Bearded seals spend most of their lives in the Arctic waters, although one was recently found in southeast Florida. They enjoy feasting on arctic cod, shrimp, clams, crabs, and octopus and have been known to live up to 25 years. For more information on the conservation efforts and status of the bearded seal population please check out this page created by the NOAA Fisheries Service Office of Protected Resources.

Adult bearded seal by by wildlife photographer Paul Souders

Adult bearded seal by by wildlife photographer Paul Souders

Image (c)  www.telegraph.co.uk

Jingle shells, jingle shells, jingle all the way

Oh, you know it’s stuck in your head. If not the Christmas carol, than the image of the beautiful shell that leaves a twinkle in the sand as you walk along the shoreline. Many people assume jingle shells are juvenile oysters because they’re often attached to them. But, jingle shells are their very own species known as Anomia simplex. Here are 10 facts for you to better get to know this treasured beachcomber’s find.

1. Jingle shells have thin, translucent shell halves that look like frosted nail polish.
2. Jingle shells have also been nicknamed “Mermaid’s Toenails”, “Saddle Oyster”, or  “gold shell”.
3. Jingle shells appear all year and are found in shallow waters, beaches, oyster beds, and mollusk shells as far north as the coast of Nova Scotia, and all the way down south to Brazil.
4. The jingle shell is a bivalve mollusk, similar to mussels, oysters, and scallops, which all have two separate shells or “valves”. The upper valve is rounded and movable. The lower valve is typically flat and forms to the object which it is attached. It has a hole in the top where tufts of filament, the animal’s byssal threads, grow out to attach it to another surface (i.e., Jingle shells are epifaunal just like bromeliads).
5. The raw meat of the jingle shell is sharply bitter to the taste.
6. The jingle shell can reach up to 1-3 inches.
7. The lower valve of the jingle shell remains white, while the upper valve ranges from shiny lemon yellow, golden, brownish, silvery black, or pale buff. The shiny iridescence of the jingle shell is retained even after death.
8. Jingle shells take in water and filter nutritious plankton and other food through ciliated gills.
9. Jingle shells were given their common name because of the sound they make when strung together. Beachcombers often use jingle shells to make jewelry or wind chimes. Julia Ellen Rogers noted in her 1931 The Shell Book that “Pretty lampshades are made by piercing the valves of jingle shells near the hinge and stringing them, then attaching the strands so as to fit over the outside of a plain glass or porcelain shade, whose brightness is pleasantly mellowed by the network of shells”.
10. Fishermen have been known to disperse jingle shells over oyster beds in a process known as “shelling” to create a habitat for oysters can settle.




If you gooble, gooble the turkeyfish know your source

006The extravagant fins of the lionfish, native to the Indo-Pacific, resemble the plumage of turkeys and have thus earned the additional common name of ‘turkeyfish’. What is so ironic about that particular nickname is that scientists and fisheries managers have urged us to ‘gooble’ up this exotic looking creature. What’s happened over time is a gradual introduction of the lionfish along the southeast coast of the U.S., the Caribbean, and in parts of the Gulf of Mexico by way of too many releases from fish tanks in the late 1980’s and early 1990s. Unfortunately, these fish have become quite a nuisance in their new neighborhood. In 2010, Juliet Eilperin wrote this on how the lionfish are destroying the reefs along the southeastern Atlantic coast, “As a top predator, it consumes juvenile snapper and grouper along with algae-eating parrotfish, all of which help keep reefs healthy. Between 2004 and 2008, local densities of lionfish increased by roughly 700 percent in some areas; there are now 1,000 lionfish per acre on certain reefs”. As part of the plan for recovering the reefs, in 2010 a campaign was launched to catch lionfish and deep fry, blacken, sautée, or even turn it into an ingredient in sushi. Although, it is imperative that your know you’re source. This past summer, the FDA tested almost 200 lionfish and found there was a high level of the toxin that causes ciguatera in nearly a quarter of the fish. However, according to Michael Dimin, founder of Sea to Table, sautéeing them is still the best way to regain a more natural balance.

Not interested in eating them? You can even help to control the population by becoming a lionfish hunter yourself!

Do all horseshoe crabs molt?

Once a horseshoe crab reaches their full size they stop molting. Their shells then come to host many sessile creatures, including slipper snails.

Once a horseshoe crab reaches their full size they stop molting. Their shells then come to host many sessile creatures, including slipper snails.

All horseshoe crabs molt – until they reach adulthood. They grow on average a quarter of their size each time they shed. Females grow to be about two feet across and males a bit smaller. Molting occurs several times during the first few years and slows as they age. It usually takes 17 molts to reach sexual maturity  at age 9-11.

Studies have proven that adults do not molt because the age of organisms living of the crab’s shell. For instance, scientists Bottom and Ropes (1988) completed a study to determine that large slipper snails (Crepidula fornicata) were at least 8 years old on a sample of specimens. This would then make the average age of horseshoe crabs in the Delaware Bay to be 17 years old.

Also, the deteriorated carapace of some horseshoe crabs, as well as the presence of internal chitinous rods that hold the carapace in place are also evidence that older horseshoe crabs do not molt.

New benthic species discovered off the coast of California

You might think all the animals that live in the ocean are floating throughout the sea, but there are entire communities of benthic animals and plants that live in a two-dimensional way just like we do on land. ‘Benthos’ are animals and plants that live in or on the ocean floor. These benthic animals live by one of three strategies: 1) attachment to a firm surface, 2) free movement on the ocean floor, 3) burrowing in the sediment. Sometimes a species may live by more than one of these strategies.

Recently, a newly described benthic animal was discovered in the deep-sea off the coast of California. Here is a video produced by the Monterrey Bay Aquarium and Research Institute of the carnivorous sponge, known as the harp sponge (Chondrocladia lyra).  It got the common name – harp – because the sponge has evolved up to 6 veins with structures fanning out from the spine to maximize ocean currents. The elaborate ribs have velcro-like hooks used to ensnare tiny prey and are also useful for distributing eggs. These animals use a rhizoid to anchor itself to the sea floor.

Do you know your seafood?

With the holidays right around the corner there will no doubt be plenty of indulgences. It is important to keep in mind that seafood can also be considered an extravagance if you’re choosing an unsustainable option to serve or taste. Did you know that the global fishing fleet can catch up to two and a half times what the ocean produces? 80% of fish stocks are harvested at or above maximum sustainable yield? Check out this infographic by One World One Ocean that was released last month for National Seafood Month  for those facts and a whole lot more, including 1) fish on the red list (not good) and green list (good), 2) reasons why these fish are on these lists, 3) chefs and grocers to support, and 4) important guides to download.

From 'One World One Ocean'

From ‘One World One Ocean’

Indian food is everywhere. You go to any corner of the world and you’ll find an Indian Restaurant serving the taste of India. Moreover, Indian Food is heartily welcomed and loved by everyone. But very few know that Indian food offers more benefits to your health than satisfy your appetite. Tamarind Cuisine provides the best Indian Fine Dining in Orlando.

Very often people think of Indian food as a hot, spicy, full of gravy and heavy food which is good for the taste buds but not for the health. But that’s not true, in fact, Indian Food can be the most healthy food one can ever have considering all those fresh vegetables and authentic spices added in the dishes. All these authentic spices used in Indian food are in fact very important for your health. Most of us might haven’t noticed this yet but that’s true and to understand more, let’s dive deep and know more about the Indian Cuisine:

  • Most of the Indian Cuisine recipes include the most refreshing array of vegetables and fruit cooked in different ways that help retain their freshness and nutrients. A lot of cooking processes practiced in other parts of the world tend to cause these refreshing vegetables and fruits to lose their nutrients and other health benefits but this is not the case with Indian Food. It allows you to enjoy their health benefits in a more enjoyable way than their original form.
  • It always uses fresh ingredients. It also involves making dishes from scratch leaving less space for the use of preservatives and artificial ingredients. This makes the Indian Food way far healthier.
  • Indian Cuisine widely uses spices like turmeric, Ajwain, ginger, garlic, cardamom, and green chilies. All of them have some or other medicinal and healing properties, which are very beneficial for your health. The spices used to make the Indian Food are not just offering some savory taste but also are actually good for the health.
  • Authentic Indian meals are abundant carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and fibers, which are highly needed for a balanced diet and a healthier life.
  • Another reason why Indian Food is so important for your health is the use of yogurts and other dairy products. These are often used in Indian food and many dishes are made from fermented milk, which keeps the digestive tract healthy. They also come with lots of calcium, which means eating them regularly can help you have healthier bones and overall body fitness.

There is more to Indian food and if you might think to explore the delicious and savory Indian Food Orlando, then Tamarind is your only destination that offers the best and authentic Indian Food in Orlando, Florida.

About Tamarind

Here at Tamarind, we bring a part of India to you through its rich and selective variety of food. Our tailor-made Menu is created to suit the plates of all our customers and will also give them an authentic taste of some of India’s most popular regional dishes. We try to serve you the true taste of North Indian food and South Indian Food. Our customers are passionate about food and we took into account their views — how they look for comfort food and seek flavors of best home-cooked meals. We have our restaurants in Orlando and Winter Park. We are happy to serve the best and the most authentic and the best Indian food in Long Beach. Come & Rejuvenate!!!

Well, well, ‘whelk’ what do you know?

It’s no surprise why my home state of New Jersey has been on my mind lately. Using my enthusiasm for nostalgia, I decided to investigate little known facts about the state. Today I am eager to share some at best ‘compelling’, but possibly ‘useless’ knowledge on the New Jersey’s state shell, the knobbed whelk.

Image (c) by Charles Tilford on Flickr: noncommercial use permitted with attribution / share alike.

Image (c) by Charles Tilford on Flickr:
noncommercial use permitted with attribution / share alike.

  1. Governor Christine Todd Whitman declared the knobbed whelk (Busycon carica) the state shell on April 13, 1995.
  2. In addition to being the state shell of New Jersey, the knobbed whelk is also the state shell of Georgia.
  3. The shell of the knobbed whelk is coiled and pear-like and appears anywhere from yellow to gray in adults with purple and browns tints in juveniles. Its inside is typically pink to white and iridescent.
  4. The animal that lives inside the shell is a one-footed member of the sea-snail family (specifically the family, Melongenidae).
  5. Knobbed whelks are found off the east coast of the U.S. from Massachusetts to northern Florida.
  6. The meat of the whelk (and that of the conch) is known as scungilli.
  7. Whelks have a large pair of tentacles, each with a light-sensitive eyespot.
  8. Whelks also have a small pair of tentacles that are used for smell and touch.
  9. The U.S. exports whelks (i.e., knobbed, as well as lightning) to many areas of the world including France, Southeast Asia, Australia, and the Caribbean.
  10. Horseshoe crabs are used as bait to harvest channeled or knobbed whelks.
  11. There is a popular Korean side dish known as golbaengimuchim, which is seasoned whelks with spicy sweet and sour sauce with vegetables.
  12. Knobbed whelks can be up to 12 inches long.
  13. Knobbed whelks and lightning whelks can be distinguished by the difference in their openings. Knobbed whelks are dextral (i.e. right-handed).
  14. Knobbed whelks and lightning whelks lay strings of egg capsules.
  15. Knobbed whelks feast on clams using a radula.

What happens if the tide leaves a horseshoe crab stranded?


It’s not often you stumble across this on the beach. I asked horseshoe crab expert Danielle Chesky, Fishery Management Plan Coordinator with the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission, what was happening in this picture and she said that “they’re dug in for the day after spawning until the high tide comes and they can get back out to sea”. For more posts on horseshoe crabs check out the Limulus Love page. Thank you to a colleague’s in-laws for sending along this picture.


Are manatees and elephants related?

It might be very difficult to imagine, but it’s true. Manatees (also known as ‘sea cows’) share a common ancestor with elephants which might come as a surprise if you thought manatees shared a common ancestor with other marine mammals such as dolphins, whales, or sea lions. Here are 10 facts that link manatees and elephants as long-lost relatives.

1. Scientifically, manatees and elephants are classified as subungulates. Other mammals in the Subungulata superorder are hyraxes and aardvarks.
2. Manatees and elephants have an uncommon-shaped heart that is spherical. To compare, most mammals have a single-pointed tip at the base (i.e., “heart”—shaped).
3. The West Indian and West African manatee have three or four fingernail-like structures on the tip of their flippers, just like that of the toenails on the feet of elephants.
4. Manatees and elephants both have a thick, gray skin with very sparse hair.
5. Manatees and elephants have molars which move toward the front of the mouth, eventually break off, and are restored by those at the rear. Elephants have a limited number while manatees are never-ending.
6. Manatees have two incisors that bear a resemblance to elephant tusks.
7. Manatees use their large, flexible muscular lips to break apart vegetation in the water and skillfully steer food to their mouths. This is very similar to the action of the elephant eating with his trunk.
8. Manatees and elephants are herbivores. Manatees tend to feast on sea grass and freshwater plants and consume up to 100-150 pounds a day. Elephants tend to feast on small plants, bushes, fruit, twigs, tree bark, and roots and consume up to 330-375 pounds a day.
9. Male manatees and elephants are known as bulls. Female manatees and elephants are known as cows. Young manatees and elephants are known as calves.
10. Manatees and elephants are both endangered. Their numbers have dropped due in a large part to human activities.



Manatee image (c) cruisenaplesflorida.com, elephant image (c) gallery.hd.org

Here is a fantastic teaching resource from the University of Florida Sea Grant extension I uncovered while pulling this post together.

Getting to know three … Bivalve edition

Ever know instinctively that some animals are ‘related’ and just can’t pinpoint their similarities? On the third day of every month I explain three features that are common among three animals of a certain group. Of course, generally each group has more than three representatives and even  many more similarities and then even more differences, but I am going to choose three similarities that link threes to keep it simplified. This month is focused the mussel, scallop, and clam. These three animals are all part of the bivalve group which is the second largest group of mollusks. The largest group of mollusks are the gastropods. Mollusks are well-known for their soft, unsegmented bodies and shell covering (although cephalopods do not have this feature). Check out the image below to learn what the featured animals all have in common.
